XRP on pankkien käyttämä virtuaalivaluutta

Ripple on samaan aikaan sekä virtuaalivaluutta että maksujärjestelmä. Sitä ylläpitää yritys nimeltään Ripple Labs, joka  perustettiin vuonna 2012 alunperin nimellä Opencoin. Ripple Labs nimen yritys omaksui vuonna 2015, jolloin myös Ripple-järjestelmä ja ripple-raha...

Ripple is a Centralized Virtual Currency

Ripple is, at its core, both a payment network and a virtual currency used in that network, operated by Ripple Labs. According to its measured market cap, Ripple is the second largest virtual currency after Bitcoin, just before Ethereum. Ripple has also seen quite a...

Prasos quarterly cryptocurrency market report Q4′ 18

We have published our second quarterly cryptocurrency market report. This report is created to provide value for investors, clients and our followers by delivering a complete quarterly overview about the industry.  In the Prasos Q4´18 Report we dive deep into...

World Money Fair

The world’s largest coin fair, the 48th World Money Fair 2019, took place from February 1st – to February 3rd, 2019. This largest coin fair worldwide brought together countless coin dealers, collectors, mints,  retailers, wholesalers, producers,...